Energy, Sound, Static and Man


From the depths of our souls and out into the very void of space, energy is constant.
Energy can be neither created nor destroyed, only its manifestations may vary. These energies surround us and our world. Be it the light from our sun, cast down onto the earth, or the vibrating particles in the air which carries sound to our ears.


The vibrations of sound energy is measured in frequency, each note of a piano vibrates at a certain frequency. When these frequencies combine they can create harmonies or dissonance, due to the effect the frequencies have on one another. Human beings can only perceive a window of frequencies within a potential infinite spectrum. Our technology reflects our limitations.


White noise is found every where in nature, from the roar of the ocean, the crackle of a flame, the howling of the wind. The rumbling of an earthquake. White noise is caused by sound vibrations of ALL frequencies at the same volume, the full plethora of sound. White noise is the entire spectrum.


As part of a human society, we are controlled creatively by frequencies via preconditioned scales and tunings. There is a fine line between what is defined music, and what is defined noise. Naturally one might find relaxation and comfort within the white noise of a waterfall. Whereas when accidentally stumbling onto the white noise of a dead channel on your TV, shock and discomfort is usually expected. Although the difference between the two is merely perception.

As individuals we all have our own personal energy resonance, its harmonies and dissonances. Within the hypnotic and trance-inducing drone of white noise, one can tune into their own personal harmonies, and dissonances.